Friday, June 22, 2007

Downloading Orcas

I tried downloading Orcas from: but part 5 seems to be corrupt.

If you know of a workaround or a place to get part 5 please email me at and I will post it here to help others download it as well.

For now, I am trying out the express edition at:

I am actually trying to play with SilverLight so I am hoping that the Web Developer version works with it.

Please pass this on to all the Orcas developers you know. For more information or if you have any tips, tricks, events that you think other Orcas developers would benefit from, please email me at


Welcome to the Orcas (The Next Visual Studio) Tips and Tricks page.

This blog is designed to contain various Tips and Tricks to help you with your Orcas development. Since there are a lot of changes from .NET 2.0 to Orcas, including the new SilverLight hopefully this will help you with some of the pot-holes found during transition from 2.0 to Orcas as well.

I am hoping to keep this blog specifically related to Orcas and have created a second blog at specifically for SliverLight development.

If you know any Tips or Tricks I can add to this blog please email them to me at